
Omnibus price

Definition updated on November 2023

What does omnibus price refer to in pricing strategies and market analysis?

An omnibus price refers to a single, all-inclusive price for a bundle or combination of products or services. This pricing strategy is typically employed when sellers offer multiple items together at a combined price, which can be perceived as providing better value compared to purchasing each item separately. The overall idea is to promote the sale of multiple items together, often at a perceived discount or added value for the buyer. In the context of sneaker reselling, an omnibus price might be applied when a reseller offers a bundle of products, such as a pair of sneakers combined with complementary items like sneaker cleaning kits, exclusive socks, or other sneaker-related accessories. By doing so, the reseller provides an incentive for the buyer to purchase the entire package, potentially increasing the overall sale amount and moving more inventory. For customers, the bundled offering can feel like a deal because they're getting multiple products for a price that seems discounted compared to buying each item individually. However, it's crucial for resellers to ensure that the bundled items are relevant and appealing to the target audience. Properly executed, omnibus pricing can enhance customer loyalty, promote the sale of complementary goods, and increase the average transaction value. However, the bundled products should always maintain a sense of genuine value to the customer to avoid diluting the brand or product's perceived worth.

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