
UPC – Universal Product Code

Definition updated on November 2023

What is a UPC (Universal Product Code) and how does it contribute to product identification?

A 12-digit barcode used primarily in the United States and Canada for tracking products in stores. This unique number is assigned to retail merchandise, representing both the product and the manufacturer. The UPC is printed on product packages and is scanned at the point of sale to retrieve the current price from the retailer's database. In the sneaker reselling world, the UPC can be an essential tool. When you see a barcode on a sneaker box, that's the UPC. Each specific style and size of a shoe will have its own unique UPC. By scanning or inputting this code, resellers can quickly access information about the sneaker, ensuring they have the correct details for their listing. It also helps in verifying the authenticity of a product, as counterfeit products may not have a valid UPC or might reuse a UPC from a different item. For buyers, checking the UPC can provide added confidence in the legitimacy of their purchase. To summarize, the UPC system aids in inventory management, pricing accuracy, and product identification, making it invaluable for both retailers and resellers in the sneaker industry.

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