
Brand perception

Definition updated on November 2023

How does brand perception influence consumer behavior and buying decisions?

Brand perception refers to how customers and potential buyers view and interpret a sneaker brand's image, values, and overall reputation. It is the mental image that customers have formed about a brand based on their past experiences, interactions, and exposure to the brand's marketing and advertising efforts. In the sneaker resell market, brand perception is extremely important as it can significantly affect the demand and value of a sneaker. For example, a brand that is perceived as high-quality, innovative, and exclusive, such as Nike or Adidas, will typically have higher demand and resale value compared to a brand that is perceived as low-quality or common. Brand perception can be influenced by various factors such as the quality of the sneakers, the brand's history and heritage, collaborations with influential designers or celebrities, marketing and advertising campaigns, and feedback and reviews from other customers. A positive brand perception can lead to higher demand, loyalty, and willingness to pay a premium price, while a negative brand perception can lead to lower demand and resale value. For beginners in the sneaker resell market, it is essential to understand the perception of different sneaker brands in the market as it will greatly affect the potential success and profitability of their reselling business.

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