
Highly competitive pricing

Definition updated on November 2023

What does highly competitive pricing mean and how does it impact market dynamics?

Highly competitive pricing refers to a pricing strategy where the selling price of sneakers is set at a level that is competitive with the prices of similar sneakers in the market. This may involve setting the price at the same level, slightly lower, or slightly higher than competitor prices, depending on factors such as the uniqueness, quality, and demand for the sneakers. The goal of highly competitive pricing is to attract buyers by offering better value for money or by establishing a competitive advantage based on factors other than price, such as brand reputation, product quality, or customer service. In the sneaker resell market, prices can vary significantly based on factors such as brand, model, condition, rarity, and demand. Therefore, setting highly competitive prices requires a thorough analysis of the market, including competitor prices, customer preferences, and market trends. For beginners in the sneaker resell market, it is important to continuously monitor the market and adjust prices accordingly to stay competitive. This may involve using software tools that provide real-time market data and competitor price analysis. Additionally, it is important to consider the total cost of acquiring and selling sneakers, including shipping costs, fees, and taxes, when setting prices. Ultimately, highly competitive pricing is a dynamic strategy that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment to be effective.

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