
Premium pricing

Definition updated on November 2023

What is premium pricing and how does it reflect product value and consumer perception?

Premium pricing, often called prestige pricing, refers to the strategy of setting prices higher than the typical market value. This approach is used to promote a product as being of superior quality, exclusivity, or desirability, suggesting that it's worth the higher cost. The rationale behind premium pricing is to create an aura of luxury and exclusivity around a product, which can enhance its perceived value and appeal to a particular segment of consumers who are willing to pay more for something they perceive as special or high-end. In the sneaker reselling world, premium pricing is commonly applied to limited-edition releases, collaboration pieces, or vintage sneakers. These are often perceived as more valuable due to their scarcity, unique design, or association with a celebrity or influential brand. By pricing these sneakers at a premium, resellers emphasize the exclusivity and unique nature of the product, targeting consumers who view sneakers not just as footwear but as collectibles or status symbols. However, the success of a premium pricing strategy hinges on the authenticity, rarity, and genuine appeal of the sneaker. If consumers don't perceive the higher price as justified by the product's intrinsic value, the strategy can backfire. Therefore, resellers employing premium pricing need to ensure they're offering products that truly resonate with the target audience and convey genuine value.

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