How to start reselling in France?

How to start reselling in France?

How do I register when I am a reseller in France?

The resell is a profession that knows a great growth. It is possible to sell your goods on the web. Like any activity, this profession generates income that must be declared. How should a reseller be registered in France? Discover here some elements of answer.

The reselling universes

In the world of reselling, you have the opportunity to sell various goods. You can make a living selling sneakers. Resellers are key players in the growing basketball community. In the world of reselling, there is also the sale of second-hand clothes, streetwear, and much more.

In order to allow resellers to sell more easily, some platforms have been designed like Depop and Vinted. These platforms have interesting features. How to declare your revenues when accessing these sales sites?

What is a SIRET number and how to get it?

The SIRET number (Identification System of the Directory of Establishments) is a series of 14 digits. Assigned by INSEE to each company, it is composed of a SIREN number and an Internal Classification Number. The SIREN number is composed of the first 9 digits while the NIC groups the last 5 digits.

To obtain the SIRET number, it is necessary to register the company. To do this, you must send the CERFA form and the necessary supporting documents to the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE). This includes the articles of association, a photocopy of the identity documents, the certificate of deposit of funds, etc.

Sole proprietorships, commercial and civil companies must first file an application for registration with the competent CFE. This is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for traders and commercial companies and the Clerk of the Commercial Court for civil companies.

After examination of the applications, the documents are sent to INSEE and the RCS, which are responsible for assigning the SIRET numbers. The application form differs according to the form of the company. For a sole proprietorship, the P0 form provides information on the address of the establishment, the identity of the natural person, the trade name and sign, etc.

The M0 form concerns the creation of a company. It includes the identification of the legal representatives and the legal entity, the amount of the share capital, and much more.

What is VAT and how does it work?

VAT is an indirect tax on all goods and services consumed or used in France. This tax on consumption is borne by the final consumer who is responsible for paying it. As a company, you must collect it in order to pay it to the public treasury.

There are activities that are excluded from the scope of the tax. Depending on your turnover, the methods of declaration and payment of the VAT differ. It is also possible to exercise certain options. You can be exempt from the basic tax if your turnover is below a certain threshold.

When you are subject to tax, all your sales and services are subject to it. It is calculated by applying the rate (20%, reduced in cases provided for by law) on the total amount excluding tax of these sales.